Title: The Nevermore Trilogy
Author: Shannon
Release Date: May
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Age Group: Contemporary
Book Cover Design:Damon Za
The Nevermore Trilogy Description:
***This trilogy version contains all THREE
installments of The Nevermore Trilogy.
This Series is meant to be read in sequential order as the books are NOT
stand alone.***
SUNDERED (Book One of The Nevermore Trilogy):
They were promised weight loss, the cure for Cancer,
Parkinson’s Disease and infertility; they were promised hope.
The side effects were anything but hopeful.
Mara and Sebastian are young, in love and
newlyweds. Far too soon, they will face
tests to their love that most others won’t survive. Their bond strengthens with
each loss, destruction and unbearable race against time. In each other, they find the will and hope to
endure. Hand in hand, they will face the
darkening of humanity with strength and integrity and an undeniable spirit to
survive; together.
“Sundered is a story that will steal a piece of your
heart as you cheer for both Mara and Sebastian in this unconventional love
story. It is a story of love, hope,
faith and the strength to carry on after the dark times come.” -Reviewer
Ebook links to Sundered:
Excerpt from Sundered:
The door opened behind me and shut with a soft click. I kept my back turned to Sebastian, my spine rigid and my breathing slow and deliberate as I tried to rein my anger in. A whine from the bathroom and I stomped down the hallway and swung the door open. Nero tried to scamper between my legs but I scooped him up and held him tight. A minute passed and the anger started to drain out of me. Taking one last deep breath I carried Nero into the living room. I stared at the TV and came to a sudden stop, unable to take my eyes off the screen.Dan leaned forward. “I’d hoped they’d have gotten it under control in the bigger cities at least.”“I don’t think that’s the case,” I said, my hands trembling as I stroked Nero. Lists of major cities that had been overrun and were considered uninhabitable flashed on the screen in no particular order: Toronto, Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Edmonton, Brisbane, New York, Atlanta, Ottawa, London, Perth, Paris, Frankfurt, Berlin, Glasgow, Mexico City, Venice, Lima; the list went on and on, scrolling for a solid two minutes.“Every continent has been hit by this catastrophe, though some obviously worse than others.” The male announcer’s voice blared to life on the screen and I jumped involuntarily. Nero gave a squeak and I kissed him on the top of his head.The camera panned to a reporter in what looked like a bare-bones room, cement walls, and shelves of strange scientific-looking paraphernalia.“Dr. Josephson, what can you tell us about the events? Will the drug wear off? What can we do about this situation?” the reporter asked, turning to the camera every few words, as if to gain permission from the viewing audience to ask the questions.“It’s simple, even for a nincompoop like you, Blaine,” Dr. Josephson said.“It’s Bruce.”“Whatever. The drug was skipped through the FDA testing as well as Health Canada; money greased the wheels to hurry it to market. In the two months since it’s been out, it made over 1.6 trillion dollars. You can imagine how that would make a company eager to get it to the public.”Bruce leaned in. “Those numbers can’t be right.”Dr. Josephson snorted. “337 million people, give or take a few thousand, get the shot through legal means. That’s in North America alone. Five thousand dollars shot, one hundred people a day per clinic. You should do your research before you go on air Bruno.”The doctor sat down on a ratty old stool and looked up into the camera, as if Bruce were no longer worth speaking to.“There is no cure. There is no chance it will go away. It won’t wear off, it is designed to link permanently to the molecular structure of human bones, organs, and most importantly, brain. It cannot be transferred by a bite, as the modern movie culture would have you believe. These are not zombies, these are people gone feral, wild. They are acting as packs, not unlike a pack of wolves with an Alpha male and female, and the rest working as a group for food and protection.” His pale blue eyes seemed to bore into me and I shivered with the intensity. “To the public who have not taken Nevermore I will say only one thing,” He paused, dropped his head and shook it slightly before looking back up into the camera.“Survive.”
BOUND (Book Two of The Nevermore Trilogy):
They were promised weight loss, the cure for Cancer,
Parkinson’s Disease and infertility; they were promised hope.
The side effects were anything but hopeful.
Mara faces seemingly insurmountable obstacles and
adversities as she works feverishly to free Sebastian from the holds which bind
him. Her refusal to abandon him, and his refusal to let her slip away, keep
them fighting to be reunited. Fears escalate and dangers destroy their beliefs,
but they cling to their love and find strength in each other even when
separated. Mara and Sebastian manage to face each act of violence, each
tragedy, and terrifying sight with a strength which won’t bend to any
“Gritty, violent, tragic and terrifying, this whole
series also manages to be touching, romantic and at times, even sexy…..” -Jess the Romanceaholic
Ebook links to Bound:
Excerpt from Bound:
Though I’d read a lot of books in preparation for being a mom myself, I’d never thought I’d be helping someone else give birth. Certainly not in an army camp’s rifle range. I knew that walking was good, so that was the first objective. “Sebastian, I need you to help me get her up,” I called to him, while I tucked myself under one of her arms. Sebastian approached cautiously.“I mean it, grab her arm and help me get her up,” I said. He took a deep breath and helped Momma stand, where she moaned and wobbled, then tried to lie back down.“No, not yet. Walking first,” I said, encouraging her to step out with me. She took one step, than another and soon we were making our way around the perimeter of the range, her breathing improving and her face relaxing. A contraction would hit and she would pause but then keep going. I smiled at her and made soothing noises, occasionally touching her belly to feel the muscles contract. Sebastian watched all of this from a distance with a very strange look on his face, one I couldn’t identify and was too busy to analyze. When the other members of the pack tried to approach me and Momma he growled at them, letting us have our space.We walked for an hour and I could see that Momma was getting tired. I took her to the back of the overhang and found a relatively clean, dry spot for her to lie down.It was then that the contractions really started. Her whole body would tense and the muscles across her stomach would ripple and harden. Momma would sit up, her hair plastered to her face with sweat as she bore down.“That’s it sweetheart. You can do it.” I looked between her legs, the crown of the baby’s head showing clearly.I smiled up at her. “The baby’s almost here, another push.” She leaned forward and let out a wail as she screamed along with a contraction and pushed. The baby’s head and shoulder slid free; a second push and I caught the babe and helped guide it the rest of the way out as Momma collapsed back to the ground, one more contraction and the placenta came out right after. I used a hair elastic to tie off the umbilical cord. Hardly sanitary, but it was all I had.“It’s a girl!” I shouted and brought the tiny angel child around to show Momma. The little one let out a wail and I laughed, tears of happiness trickling down my face. If Momma could have a baby that was so obviously human, could do this in the wild with no doctor, it gave me hope for us all.Momma propped herself up on her elbows and reached for the baby, her eyes wide and staring. A cold chill swept over me. The baby was definitely human; would Momma accept her or would she try to eat her? Or was the intensity I saw a look of a mother wanting to hold her firstborn?Momma’s fingertips brushed the baby girl, a look of hunger flashing over her face, a drive so intense that I knew even her own child wouldn’t be spared. I wanted to believe that what was human inside Momma would override the animal instinct to eat another species’ helpless newborn, but as Momma opened her mouth and snapped at the wailing baby girl, I had to accept this for what it was.A complete and utter disaster.
DAUNTLESS (Book Three of The Nevermore Trilogy):
They were promised weight loss, the cure for Cancer,
Parkinson’s Disease and infertility; they were promised hope.
The side effects were anything but hopeful.
Surrounded by the most obstinate of madness, Mara will
use the strength within herself to free both she and Sebastian once and for
all. As Sebastian slips further away from
her, Mara will have to fight as she never has before--alone. The bonds of love
and friendship will be stretched to their breaking point as the world around
them spins out of control, and the dangers continue to mount. Can she carry
them both through the obstacles ahead and find a way to heal Sebastian? Can she accomplish all of this in time? This final chapter of The Nevermore Trilogy
will leave you breathless, sitting on the edge of your seat screaming out loud
for love to overcome and the goodness of human nature to prevail. "I was completely blindsided by events
in this story. Even now, I can't stop thinking about it." Author of
"Until Dawn: Last Light", Jennifer Simas
Ebook links to Dauntless:
Excerpt from Dauntless:
Belief in that which you cannot see, touch, taste or smell is called faith by some and foolishness by others. I don’t know which I would say is more painful, to have faith and trust in an impossibility or to succumb to the reality of the world and let a dream die.I wanted to believe that Sebastian was becoming human once more; I wanted to believe that the “cure” Donavan forced on him would do what it should and bring him back to me. But the trembling muscles under my hands and the flickering eyelids that gave me only brief glimpses into yellowed irises stole what hope I had. Three days Sebastian had lain on the gurney, his every move monitored—as was mine.“I don’t know why you even bother to stay here,” Lucy said on one of her hourly checks on us.“I can’t leave him, besides, it’s not like I can just walk out of the compound. I’d be shot, you know that.” I didn’t bother to look up, just sat in my chair and continued to watch Bastian for any sign of movement other than the muscle tremors. The scent of antiseptic and sickness hung heavy in the air, clinging to the back of my throat.“Listen,” she paused and took a deep breath; I finally looked up at her. She gave me a weak smile. “You aren’t safe here. Donavan’s losing his mind and it’s going faster every day.”Lucy bent down to me, her face full of concern. “The rest of us are going to make a run for it and if you’re still here, you’ll take the brunt of his anger.”“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. Lucy was one of Donavan’s supporters; she believed in him and his work.The door creaked and Donavan strode in. “Lucy. Out,” he snapped.Lucy left the room, her face pale and her eyes wide. Behind Donavan’s back she mouthed something to me. I couldn’t be sure, but I think it was Vancouver. My eyebrows crunched up. Why would she mouth the name of a city to me?“I see Sebastian is still unconscious,” Donavan said.“Well done Captain Obvious,” I said. “Perhaps you’d like to point out that I’m awake?”Donavan stared at me, his eyes empty of emotion. That blank expression was almost worse than if he had gotten angry. I swallowed hard but refused to lower my eyes.“Sebastian doesn’t seem to be improving. It looks as if I will be back to the drawing board tomorrow.” He flicked his finger against Sebastian’s cheek. “By tonight I’ll have to have him removed,” Donavan said.“What do you mean remove him? He’s sick, it’s your fault. You can’t move him right now,” I said, standing up and putting myself between Donavan and Bastian.“I didn’t say I’d move him somewhere else. I said I’d have him removed. Those are two very different statements,” Donavan said.My skin twitched over my back as what Donavan was saying sunk in. He didn’t believe that Sebastian was improving. I struggled for my next breath of air as the muscles in my body constricted, my hope shriveling up. Where would that leave him—a vegetable? Or would he just go back to being a Nevermore? If I had to choose, I’d take him being a Nevermore, but it wouldn’t be my choice. Sebastian gave a shudder, his body trembling with the “cure” that coursed through his veins. I placed my hand over his, gripping his fingers.The rest of Donavan’s words sunk into my mind. Donavan had every intention of having Sebastian removed tonight. Killed. Eliminated.No, I couldn’t let that happen.
She is the author of the The Nevermore Trilogy, The
Rylee Adamson Novels and the Celtic Legacy series. Her first New Adult Romance,
High Risk Love, is scheduled for release July 1, 2013.
Author social media links:
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